Monday, January 24, 2011
Discover the Importance of the Forex Demo Account

Most of us know that most good brokers offer 3 kinds of live accounts:
Forex Standard Account
This is the account that most professional forex traders use. One lot in a forex standard account is worth 100,000 currency units. 1 pip in a forex standard account is worth about $10.
Forex Mini Account
This account is for traders who are starting out and do not have such deep pockets yet. One lot in a forex mini account is worth 10,000 currency units and 1 pip in a forex mini account is worth about $1.
Forex Micro Account
The great thing about online forex trading is that you don't need a lot of capital to start off, unlike other investment vehicles such as trading the stock market. In fact, with a forex micro account, nearly anybody can participate in online forex trading. One lot in a forex micro account is worth 1,000 currency units and 1 pip here is worth about $0.10. How great is that?
But do you know that there is another type of account that you should never ignore?
If you look carefully, most good online forex brokers include a forex demo account that can be signed up for free. The demo account mimics the interface of the standard account completely, and even gives you real world and real time currency quotes and economic news.
Why then should anyone sign up for a forex demo account since it's not live?
Well, before you can rushing into trading live, you need to familiarize yourself with the online forex trading platform. Afterall, you don't want to panic and wonder where the sell button is when thousands of dollars are at stake.
Secondly, you don't want to test your strategies using real money. That's a waste of money when the demo account is available for you to test and fine tune your strategy until your hearts content.
And finally, trading might be easy. But not many people can deal with the psychological stress of placing and executing buy and sell orders. By signing up for a forex demo account and playing around with play trading, you'll be able to find out if online forex trading is a suitable option for you.
Visit our website to find out more about the forex demo account and how it can help you start your journey into online forex trading. Don't forget to sign up for our 6 part mini-course, absolutely free for a limited time only! If you're looking for a reliable online forex broker, check out our FXOpen Review too!
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Forex Demo Accounts - How to Use Them Properly

You can practice on such an account for about a month but this time varies depending on the broker that provides you with the service. So you can have longer or shorter period of time to accommodate with the system. Depending on the broker, sometimes the valid period for the account can be longer than initially said, but it should never be shorter. After the valid period expires the count isn't available anymore.
The reason why you can find these demo accounts provided by different brokers it is because they want to make you understand how the system works and after the valid period is over, they want you to continue using their services that you will have to pay.
They can even contact you and give the necessary advices in cases where you can't figure it out for yourself how it works or you have certain questions. The brokers have to convince you to use their services and to make exchanges using real accounts, this is the only way they can earn money.
A very important thing you have to do if you don't want to loose money is to take advantage as much as you can of using demo accounts. They can really help you develop a strategy and understand how things work on trading market. If you make a wrong decision when using the real account you can loose a lot of money.
So be careful to learn as much as possible when using the demo account. You can find resources on the internet that can help you learn simple systems concerning the use of different currencies and the way this market works.
These demo accounts can provide you with the necessary information about strategies you can use, what works and what it can be a bad idea. You can use more than one account if you want to understand different strategies. But this can depend on the broker that lets you make the demo account.
There are people that can let you use more than one account, but not all of them. Making an account is a very easy thing to do. You shouldn't be an expert when doing it and it can help you very much in your future activity. It is very important also to find a good broker that also helps you.
Demo accounts can be used by experienced people too because nobody wants to loose money on a strategy that wasn't tested yet. So demo accounts will be a good method of learning in the future too, even after you think you know a lot about Forex and trading.
For more information on Forex Demo Account and be on your way to Forex Success
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A Beginner's Guide to Forex Demo Accounts

Like any utility, there are advantages and disadvantages to using a Forex demo account. First, the main advantage is learning how to trade and to use the platform itself. A demo enables familiarity with the basics of trading. For example, one can learn how to start executing a trade, making the trade itself, and following through. Secondly, one develops a certain, albeit simulated, feel of the Forex market itself, which depends greatly on estimating probabilities of gain versus losses.
On the other hand, there are also disadvantages in a Forex demo account. First, there is less pressure involved, hence less drive to make the best investments. Second, the simulated skills may give a false sense of security in Forex trading, and may not be very beneficial in real trades. And thirdly, the quotes that one gets in demos may not be the same as live accounts, which will alter the feel of the market once actual trading begins. And yet, however many disadvantages there may be, the benefit of knowing the basics still outweighs potential hazards.
Demo accounts have all the features of a live account, with the exception of virtual money being used. To start using a Forex demo, one needs to go online first, register a demo account and then use the appropriate software. In using the software, one sees the value of different currencies and then tries to make an estimate regarding a specific one, for example, the US dollar.
If you believe that another currency will fall relative to the US dollar, then you can go on to trade for that currency using the US dollar, and sell it when the value becomes higher, earning a profit in the process. This simplistic example of "buy low and sell high" underlies the basic principle of the trading process.
To predict fluctuations in Forex rates, several theories or algorithms may be used. In a floating exchange rate scenario, factors like the international parity conditions, balance of payments model, and asset market model need to be considered. In a fixed exchange rate scenario, Forex rates are determined by the country's government. But in simple terms, the changing current events influence supply and demand factors for each country's currency, and the price of one currency relative to another changes accordingly.
Effective trading in Forex demands a good global mindset. Understanding the Forex demo account will introduce you to the feel of the market, and further practice will prepare you for the real trade. The next challenge is then to have enough capital and patience for trading, in order to appreciate the oftentimes marginal profits that fluctuate from day to day.
If you're interested in learning to trade Forex, you might want to learn more about a Forex demo account. Be sure to visit my site for more information on how to demo Forex trading.
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Forex Trading Robots Review

There are many different types of signaling and robotic software packages online. Some require that the user does very little while others require users to be a little more involved in the process. Because many of these systems are very similar, individuals will have to take a good look at their personal situation, goals and experience.
For people who are just starting out and have not been involved in this type of trading for long, then you might want to go with a product that handles and automates just about everything for you. Some of these will let their user know when a trade is a good one and potentially profitable. They may require that the user makes the trade manually, while others will make it for the user automatically. Depending on how involved or hands-on an investor wants to be and how well they know the market, a system that does just about everything for them may be exactly what they need.
On the other hand, if you have been involved in these types of investments in the past and are good at making money from it, then you will likely want a little more control. It would not necessarily be the best for these types of people to use software that will make the trades for them. Instead, having the final say will likely be very important. Therefore, these folks may be looking for something that does provide a certain degree of automation but not entirely.
Ultimately, what one should get out of a Forex trading robots review is how much each particular system costs, whether buyers will get a money back guarantee and what features it includes. You should be able to see proof that it actually works. It would be a bonus if they provide a link to a live demo that can be downloaded and used. This will give you the opportunity to determine if it's easy enough to use and if you are comfortable with it.
Also, take a close look at exactly what is being offered. Some will have many sophisticated features while others will be more bare-bones. It is likely that the latter will be less expensive. However, if you think that you have found something that will make a lot of money, it may be worth spending a little more especially if you can get your investment back if it does not work out.
Now that you know what to look for out when reading a forex trading robots review, it is time to go out and start looking at your options. If you make a good choice, it should be highly likely that your investment is recouped really fast.
Want to take the guesswork out of Forex trades? Read this detailed review on the most popular and profitable forex trading robots that are making successful trades on autopilot for their traders.
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Forex Trading Robots Review
The Great Benefits of Automated Forex Trading

There are two major pitfalls associated with being involved in self directed trading these are poor money management and the emotional factor. The emotions are that are fatal to the success of this are greed and fear. They stay in the trade too long as they either are greedy or the get out of it as they are scared.
The automated system takes this out of the equation. Trades are carried out with the assistance of exit and enter points that have been set up within the program. A third negative to non-automated dealing is time. Automation takes care of this quite nicely. For people who wish to trade in countries that have different business hours, this is also ideal.
This form of dealing is for buying and selling on the forex markets twenty four seven. This is passive income at its best as you can spend your time elsewhere while money is being generated passively.
Behind the scenes, expert advisers are working on your behalf and in line with the instructions you have given. You will be able to preset the boundaries and the system will operate in line with that. This permits the system to enter and exit precisely when you want it to.
You are able to set numerous parameters within the automated forex trading system. These include your rules for trading, price level proximity, technical indicators, averages, price points, price patterns and market trends. All of this gets you extra income and more time to enjoy things you like most.
Learn more about automated forex trading at
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